Le Parole degli Angeli
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ORBS a globe of light in front of my eyes

ORBS a globe of light in front of my eyes testimonies


ORBS a globe of light in front of my eyes : dearest Sara Luce, here I am again, writing to you. Today I want to tell you about what happened to me a few months ago, while I was browsing a website about Angels on the computer


It was a November afternoon. I was in the house with my daughter, she was asleep on the sofa. I was on the PC looking for some interesting website about Angels. I do this often; I like to see pictures of Angels, reading testimonials and in general hearing about Angels. In that moment, in my home everything was still: the windows were closed, the radiators were turned off, my daughter was asleep …


Suddenly, out of nowhere, in the space between my face and the computer monitor I saw a little white ball, candid, a perfect spherical shape. At the beginning, I did not pay much attention to what it was, I thought it was some little fluff or dust, and so I raised my hand to try and capture it between my fingers, but it disappeared into nothing.


After a few seconds, again out of nowhere, it showed up again: its movement was the same as the first time I saw it: it was neither falling down, like dust or a little fluff ball would land on the floor due to gravity, nor was it flying away, like dust would when its windy (the windows were shut and the radiators, which could possibly create some air movement, were turned off), and yet it was moving, a strange movement that did not really mirror that of dust (moreover it was white and perfectly round!!) it was moving from the bottom up, and from the right to the left and vice versa, and all this in a very fast and rhythmic manner.


Only then did I understand that this was something else, something fantastic that was presenting itself in front of my eyes, and so I tried to catch it again … I was able to hold it within my cupped hand … then I opened it … and there was nothing … a shiver went through my spine … was I witnessing something great and special … an Angel …. or did my Angel want to attract my attention, as if to say …  “Don’t seek me elsewhere, because I am always right here with you”


Thank you Sara Luce … a great big hug …


ORBS a globe of light in front of my eyes testimonies was told by Katia




ORBS a globe of light in front of my eyes testimonies


ORBS a globe of light


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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