Le Parole degli Angeli
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You can do it don’t give up

You can do it don’t give up teachings from the Sky


You can do it don’t give up : dear Sara Luce, last year I had the wonderful gift of discovering your website, and for this I owe you an ENORMOUS THANK YOU, because reading the numerous testimonials has helped me, and still helps me tremendously.


During these frigid winter evenings, I often happen to think of that voice, but … one thing at the time …


Between December 2013 and January 2014 I went through a very challenging period emotionally, I touched rock bottom several times; my family was worried about me, even though I was trying, any way I could, to hide my suffering and I kept everything bottled up inside. I was afraid I would not make it, that I would never see the light again, I felt incapable of carrying my burden, which felt enormous to me.


I remember that I would sleep 3 or 4 hours a night, I would wake up suddenly with my terror, and I would immediately feel myself gripped by a sense of fear. I remember one night in particular, I went to bed, and prayed to God and the Angels that they would help me find a little serenity and I fell asleep crying.


I dreamt I was at the upper level of a house; with me there were, in addition to a man and a woman, with whom I had not spoken, my mother and an elderly lady (I would say she looked to be in her eighties). The lady was sitting on the ground with her back against a wall; I looked at her, her hair white and her eyes light blue. She specifically asked me to help her get up, I could see she had faith in me and she encouraged me to do it using my own strength, I lifted her from under her arms and I gathered my strength, I could feel I was carrying her entire weight while she kept telling me not to give up …. in the end I managed to hoist her up and inside me I kept repeating “You see, you can do it!”. In that moment I woke up, and I realized what I had just dreamed, I turned around in my bed, and fell into a state of semi-sleep, it was dark, I could see a ball of fire approaching me, and I felt a warmth that was burning inside my chest, as if I was catching fire … I remember I moved my right arm in a strange way, and to date I still can not explain it. At the same time, I heard a male voice, clear and crisp, telling me: “Everything will be all right”.


I will never forget those words, I don’t know if it was God, or an Angel, who spoke them, but during those days is when I finally started to actually get better and better and … EVERYTHING WENT WELL! In addition, only a few days later I understood that the elderly lady with the light blue eyes, the one I helped in my dream, was my maternal grandmother, she had passed away when I was only three years old. Slowly but surely everything did turn out for the best, and for this, tonight, at 11 pm, here I am, writing this email to you, with the hope that my experience may give hope to the souls of those who have a lot of sadness in their hearts.


I thank you in advance for the time you will dedicate to my rather long testimonial, and I hope I did not bore you with it!!


A kiss and a tight hug.


You can do it don’t give up teachings from the Sky is Ylenia’s testimonial




You can do it don’t give up teachings from the Sky


You can do it don’t give up


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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