Le Parole degli Angeli
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Prayers can become true

Prayers can become true testimonies the voice of my beloved


Prayers can become true : sweetest Sara Luce, I would like to tell you about something that happened to me, a prayer I had that has come true, in a truly stunning manner, I have to say!


Let’s say that ever since my Beloved one flew to the Sky, my main concern had always been that of having lost his voice forever, I had never taken any videos, I knew I was never going to be able to hear him talk again, my fear was that of even, one day, ending up forgetting his voice …. I prayed to the Lord so much, especially my beloved Angels, that I may hear his voice again, maybe in a dream … I received much, much more than what I would have hoped for!


A few days ago, for no apparent reason, I was just pushed by something I can not define, I started rummaging in an old furniture piece in my home, without even knowing what I was looking for; I found a little paper bag, inside it there were 4 little tapes, he had recorded them years before, when he was giving classes on nature to his children students … I wanted to be able to hear his voice again and I was praying for it … now I can … THANK YOU, every day THANK YOU


You know, Sara Luce, these 4 little recorded tapes are VHSC type tapes, they do not fit in the video player I own, I need an adapter to be able to play them, well …. the second miracle was being able to even find this adapter, as you know they have stopped producing video recorders ages ago, however, everything fit perfectly … even if for a moment I wondered if I would ever be able to play them at all …


And now … it’s such an inexplicable sensation to be able to hear his voice again after almost two years since he was alive … I am absolutely sure that my prayer was heeded, I did not know anything about the existence of these recorded tapes.


Sorry Sara for my lengthy letter, I am sending you a tight hug


Prayers can become true testimonies the voice of my beloved is the testimonial from Mirella




Prayers can become true testimonies the voice of my beloved


Prayers can become true


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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