Le Parole degli Angeli
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Help of Angels experiences

Help of Angels experiences my story


Help of Angels experiences : hello Sara, my name is Felicia, and I would like to tell you about my experience; to some, I may come across as silly or a little unstable, but please read this story that happened to me on 19th October 2010, and then judge me.


Every month I used to go to Bologna to prepare, by means of a therapy, for an upcoming surgery. I would get off the train with my husband, who accompanied me everywhere, and we would get on a bus to go to the medical clinic; usually, when the bus stops, I step aside to let the people get off the bus first, but on that particular occasion, I actually turned around and looked at my husband, and noticed two people of color near him, one was talking on the phone, the other was standing behind my husband.


Strangely for me, these two people got off the bus before it even left. With a tinge of guilt, because nowadays sadly we are all accustomed to having prejudices against others, I asked my husband if he still had his wallet with him. In the meantime, strangely, the bus had not left yet.


The wallet had disappeared. I bolted out of the bus, I remembered their faces so I would recognize them, I did not want to do anything to them, I just wanted to tell them that they got the wrong person, we were not there for fun, we were there because we had problems.


I burst into tears in a way I can not even describe, I thought about the conditions I had put my family through, I could not even celebrate my son’s 18th birthday.


I asked my husband how much money he was carrying, and he said “I had seven hundred euros to pay to the clinic”. You can imagine my reaction …. while my tears and my pain were getting stronger and stronger, I lost sight of my husband, and, imagine this, after a while he came back with the wallet in his hand, and he told me “They returned it” and I said “Sure, empty, that’s not good for us!” I was not even sure what I was saying at that point. He answered “No, Felicia, they returned it unopened, a man similar to your description and with a foreign accent said that “Felt bad because saw woman cry and I give back”. The question is, how did he know that it was our wallet? Just because you see a person wearing mirrored sunglasses cry you automatically know it’s their wallet? Or you ask first, I don’t know …!


I turned around immediately and I asked my husband “Tell me where he is, I want to thank him!”


The road was empty, no trees, no homes, the cars were running by, basically, there was nowhere for them to hide.


With my husband, we got back on the bus, we once again made our way to the clinic, and by then every man that walked past me looked similar to the man that was on the phone, smiling, one person, two, three, four …  I thought “I would certainly make an unreliable eye witness at a process, they all look similar to me!” but today I am actually thinking of a reason for it …. yes, they were all similar, because they were all smiling at me, almost reassuringly … and so I even managed to celebrate my son’s 18th birthday.


I told someone about it, and they asked me what I had been thinking about when the event happened, I answered that I was thinking I was making my whole family bankrupt, and it was all my fault,  and that I could not celebrate my son’s birthday ….


Now you tell me, if there was not some angelical help in what happened to me.



Help of Angels experiences was told us by Felicia




Help of Angels experiences


Help of Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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