Le Parole degli Angeli
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The ways of God are endless

The ways of God are endless to guide us back on to the right way testimonials


The ways of God are endless : well yes, the ways of God are endless to guide us back on to the right track, on the better road to follow for our heart, for our project of growth on this earth; how to reach the objective to help us? listening to our heart and listening to what is really going to be helpful to us; the testimonial you are about to read is the road shown by the Father to help one his of splendid creatures to get out of a vicious circle, cussing; let’s listen to Elisabetta


Sara, you know how it bothers me when I hear someone swear, but you have to know that I myself was once a prolific curser …. it was an expression, it was a way to vent my anger, but in fact they were actual swear words.


When my children were born, 28 years ago, one evening, I had just gone to bed, and I was shuffling to get into a comfortable position in my bed, I saw the Devil: he was extremely tall, with a large black cape, a hat with a fold and a stick in his right hand, in front of my bed.


It would not allow me to scream, I could not remember my prayers, I was terrified, I was sweating, I did not know how to save myself, because he had come to take me.


And so, inside my “me”, with my mind I said: in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, I swear that I will never ever swear again. And so it was, and so it still is.


My life then changed, the horrible devil slowly faded away in front of my eyes, and I finally managed to scream, catching the attention of my mother, who found me drenched in sweat.


She told me it must have been a nightmare, but I am sure that nobody can have a nightmare as soon as they turn the light off. This was the beginning of my journey …


The ways of God are endless to guide us back on to the right way testimonials was Elisabetta’s story




The ways of God are endless to guide us back on to the right way testimonials


The ways of God are endless



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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