Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Always and only with the heart

Always and only with the heart a memory of my aunt


Always and only with the heart : I too have a story to share; my aunt, whom I had grown to be very close to, had passed away, but before she passed she left me a bag full of little boxes containing her jewels, rings, brooches, etc., I hate jewelry, so I took this bag, put it away, and never even looked carefully at what it contained.


The morning of the funeral, a thought kept on ringing in my mind “at the funeral the daughter of her dear friend (a daughter that since she was a little girl had been adored and spoiled by my aunt), perhaps I can bring her one of the jewels as a remembrance of my aunt; however, which one shall I choose? how do I choose, since I know nothing about jewelry?”


And so I kept on thinking about it and in the end I decided on a plan, I put my hand in the bag, I took the first box my hand was able to grab, and I left to go to the funeral.


At the cemetery, I approached the girl and gave her the little box, saying that it was a remembrance from my aunt; she opened it, and inside was a beautiful ring with a ruby in the center, surrounded by crystals; she looked at it and said “oooh, I remember this!”


The following day the girl’s mother called me and said “Silvana, did you know that your aunt had actually promised this ring to my daughter when she was very little, because she liked it so much?”


What can I say?


What were the odds that I would blindly pick exactly the box with that ring? and how about the very idea of even bringing her a memory from my aunt?


Knowing my aunt’s character, moreover, she was a person who kept her promises and honored her debts at all costs, imagine, even if she owed me 50 cents, for example, she would absolutely make sure I would get it back.


Always and only with the heart a memory of my aunt are the words from Silvana




Always and only with the heart a memory of my aunt


Always and only with the heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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