Le Parole degli Angeli
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Contacts with a loved one who passed away

Contacts with a loved one who passed away testimonials


05.03.2021 - Contacts with a loved one who passed away : good evening to all, I have always been a little hesitant to believe it when someone told me that they had had some ‘contacts’ with a loved one who had departed; I would ask myself if it was really true, and if so why did it never happen to me, even though inside me I myself felt an extremely strong urge to receive some messages of love from my beloved late parents.


Now, however, thanks to you, to your testimonials and some other things that have happened to me, I did start to look at things from a different perspective, and dare I say I see things even more clearly than before.


As early as a couple of months ago I went to the cemetery to visit a much beloved aunt of mine, to whom I had been very close. I was standing by her grave and right at that time a beautiful multicolored butterfly landed on her flowers, and it remained there until I left. It was incredible!!!


And this thing made me begin to reflect.


Yesterday, however, I received another beautiful sign. I burst into tears from happiness.


You may think it is strange, or even absurd, but I assure you that I am not making any of this up! Yesterday would have been my mother’s birthday. As always, I arranged a memorial Mass service in her memory and my father, and then I went to visit them at the cemetery.


My father’s grave has a little opening on the side, to allow people to plant flowers. I arrived and my gaze fell directly on the soil in this opening there was a beautiful little white heart made of stone.


At this point I could not hold back the tears.


Contacts with a loved one who passed away testimonials are the words of Marina




Contacts with a loved one who passed away testimonials


Contacts with a loved one who passed away


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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