Le Parole degli Angeli
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Dad in the Sky but always present

Dad in the Sky but always present in life


07.03.2021 - Dad in the Sky but always present : I have always believed that my father, ever since he sadly passed away, has always found a way to let me know that he was close to me, that he was close to all our family, I have always believed that my father had been close to me in moments where I could have harmed myself, like the time when a friend of mine and I escaped unharmed from a horrific traffic accident on the highway, I have always believed that my father had been close to me, like the time when I was 20 years old and, in the grip of depression, I decided to commit suicide and I walked to the roof of our building.


I climbed the metal gate with one foot and as I was about to climb with the second foot, I felt as if I heard some voices scream “NO!”. I heard them clearly, they were not in my head, so much so that I turned around fully expecting to see someone there, but there was nobody there, it was as if I knew that there were four presences there. I could feel them.


A few days later I met a person who turned out to be the love of my life, since then my life has changed, and so have I. Moreover, I have always felt in my heart that the voice I heard saying NO was the voice of my father.


Dad in the Sky but always present in life are the words from Loredana




Dad in the Sky but always present in life


Dad in the Sky but always present


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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