Le Parole degli Angeli
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Dreaming of a baby meaning

Dreaming of a baby meaning experiences from the Sky


Dreaming of a baby meaning : dear Sara Luce, a while ago I had a beautiful dream; I was invited together with my mother to see the new home that a couple of young friends had recently purchased, they have a young daughter; so far nothing strange, besides, it is also all true, meaning that we actually do know these people, my dear dad had met the young man through his job a few years back, and despite the difference in age, they had built a deep respect for each other; just like it happens between father and son, often they found themselves sharing parts of their own lives’ events.


Well, at one point of the dream, I felt something; this has happened to me before in my dreams, I started to feel ethereal, as if I were suspended, I could not walk, everything became much simpler and as rapid as my thoughts, because I did not use my speech, everything was about perceiving things, the environment became clear, crystal clear, shining; I went in with my mother (it was a noticeably younger version of her, I was barely a child) and I noticed that the entire house was completely white, walls, doors, a bright white like the light, I saw the little girl from the couple playing in the room, and I understood that the room she was in had been modified and made smaller to accommodate for another new room, just was bright white, in which I could see a cradle and a beautiful little baby in it, I turned around to look at the couple and I could see that they were emotional, his voice was breaking, she could not even speak; at that point I sensed that my dream was coming to an end, I felt the presence of my family members, I felt my dad, I woke up.


I felt an immense joy!


I did not know what the dream meant however, a few days later it just so happened that I ended up meeting with them (they work together) because of my job, and at that point, an “unknown force” prompted me to speak up.


As I was relating my dream to them, the eyes of both him and her lit up, and, very emotional, they asked me how I could possibly know about it, since they had only received the happy news a few days prior.


We all thought about my dad, and we hugged.


Thank you, Sara Luce, I am forever grateful to the Sky that lights up our hearts.


Dreaming of a baby meaning experiences from the Sky are the words from Sara




Dreaming of a baby meaning experiences from the Sky


Dreaming of a baby meaning


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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