Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Spirits exist and let us see them

Spirits exist and let us see them experiences


Spirits exist and let us see them : as I listen to your testimonials, I remember of one story my father told me; for a while now my father has been doing some building work inside a local cemetery.


One day, he received an unusual request from a gentleman who asked him if he had had any cement left over from the last batch he had just used, since he wanted to plug a hole in a grave stone, because water was getting in.


My father, being a generous person, answered “of course” with a smile.


When he completed his work, he kept some cement aside and went over to the grave to repair it.


On that grave was a picture of the very gentleman who had asked him the favor.


Spirits exist and let us see them experiences are the words from Piera




Spirits exist and let us see them


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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