Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angels talk to us

Angels talk to us at times of danger his help


Angels talk to us : I was reading the last testimonial you shared on the Sara Luce group, where a girl was telling her that suddenly she heard a voice that ended up saving her, or something similar, well, this happened to me too, I was in the car, exactly 22 years ago.


I remember it very well because my car was brand new, there were some young men following me in the car, acting stupid, while driving around a bend they almost hit my car, I was about to stop to let them have a piece of my mind, to warn them to be careful because if they kept going like that they would cause an accident, as I was stopping, a strong voice on my right-hand side told me DO NOT STOP; I accelerated and ran away, realizing that the two young men who were sitting on the passenger sides were no longer in the car, only later I realized that they had been meaning to steal my car.


All this happened on a Saturday, the Thursday before that, I dreamt of an Angel telling me that he would not leave me on my own.


Angels talk to us at times of danger his help are the words from Patrizia




Angels talk to us at times of danger his help


Angels talk to us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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