Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Guardian Angels in our lives

Guardian Angels in our lives experiences


Guardian Angels in our lives : I am certain that Guardian Angels do exist, even though I have never had the opportunity to see them, but when I was a little girl I had a serious accident, I was ran over by a car, yet I am still here, and about five years ago, I underwent surgery to one eye, and out of pure recklessness I decided to drive myself home right after surgery; at one point on the highway there was complete darkness, I could not see anything, I lost control of the car.


Suddenly I found myself once again driving in the center of my lane, without having touched anything, and this is truly inexplicable to me.


I will explain that behind me there was my ex-husband’s car, whose mother, my ex-mother in law, had recently passed.


There has to be an explanation for this.


Guardian Angels in our lives experiences are the words from Nives




Guardian Angels in our lives


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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