Le Parole degli Angeli
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Butterflies bring messages

Butterflies bring messages from the other side


Butterflies bring messages : hello Sara Luce, I discovered that butterflies, rather, a butterfly can bring you a message from the other side, but first you must know that last year a friend of mine passed away, she was an 82 year-old lady, someone I loved like a mum, and who helped me a lot when my own mother had passed away, she stayed very close to me and I was very close to her when her own daughter passed away at 22.


When I found out that my friend had died, her name was Caterina, I took it very poorly, I was very upset and I prayed that she would come and visit me, at least in a dream, but instead I got a sign, a sign that it was her, one day I saw a beautiful butterfly, a multicolored butterfly, I had never seen one like that before, around here we don’t get to see many butterflies to begin with, I immediately told the butterfly “did you come to visit me for the last time?”, and the butterfly rested on the net of my window, and it stayed there, I was even able to record a little video of it, my friend Caterina came to visit me, to leave me a message.


I told a friend of mine “this is the last time”, and I never saw the butterfly again, it was something amazing, I still get emotional because it was indeed a deep emotion, it was a beautiful testimonial, thank you Sara Luce


Butterflies bring messages from the other side are the words from Carla


Butterflies bring messages from the other side


Butterflies bring messages


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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