Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angels take us by the hand

Angels take us by the hand experiences


Angels take us by the hand : Angels are always near us, sometimes they help us understand something we are not able to understand, they take us by the hand; I will tell you something that happened to me a while ago, I will try to be concise; a neighbor of ours, with whom we were generally only exchanging hellos, started to come visit me; over time, her visits at my house lasted longer and longer, moreover she would bring her child with her, and in the end she would leave and her child would stay with me and my son; you can say that for a couple of years, her boy spent more time with me than with his own mother.


I certainly did not mind it, I loved that little boy, but sometimes her forward attitude did make me feel bad, not only me but also my family, my naturally being overly loving did not allow me to understand what I was supposed to do.


One day, as I accompanied the boy’s mother to the door, a heard a little voice inside saying “she is taking advantage of you”, I had had some doubts, I was asking myself if I was the bad one, since I had arrived at the point where I could no longer stand her presence, and instead it was her, I was just convenient to her, and nothing else.


On another occasion of my life, I was going through a bad period, and a very spiritual person entered my life, helped me tremendously, I kept on seeing this person, I loved how he talked, but as some point once again that voice inside me said very clearly “his journey is not your journey, distance yourself from him”.


If we open our heart, if we really want to do it, Angels help us with everything, even with small things, they are always next to us, this is their mission.


Angels take us by the hand experiences are the words from Maria Carmela


Angels take us by the hand experiences


Angels take us by the hand


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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