Le Parole degli Angeli
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Premonitory dreams

Premonitory dreams after the death of my mother


Premonitory dreams : today I tell you about premonitory dreams, I was very close to my mother, we lived in symbiosis, when she passed, one night I dreamed that she was calling me on the door buzzer, asking me to come downstairs, I was begging her to wait for me, not to leave, that I was going to be there right away, but when I went downstairs, she was not there.


After a while I dreamed of her again, but this time it was a premonitory dream, where she reassured me, she was sitting on a branch, under the bluest of skies, she was beautiful and had a gorgeous smile, radiant and serene, she said “don’t worry, now I am well, I am in peace”.


From that day on, 32 years ago, I never dreamed of her again, and yet she is always with me, constantly in my thoughts, I still feel her loss so strongly, even though I know she is in peace.


Premonitory dreams after the death of my mother are the experiences of Patrizia


Premonitory dreams after the death of my mother


Premonitory dreams


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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