Le Parole degli Angeli
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Name day special happy and beautiful wishes

Name day special happy and beautiful wishes experiences


Name day special happy and beautiful wishes : dear Sara, today I tell you about name day and special happy and beautiful wishes I received, you know, I lost my adored mother on the 7th of September of this year; she had always been a woman of unbreakable faith, losing her made my own faith waver a little, I was desperate and I was now questioning those certainties she had transmitted to me; she named me after her own mother, Teresa, and she celebrated my Saint’s day on the day of Saint Teresa of Avila, on the 15th of October, just like her mother used to do, despite the fact that I had chosen to celebrate it on the first of October, in honor of Saint Theresa of Jesus the Child.


In the morning of the 15th of October, I woke up to the sweetest sound of her voice calling my name, I cried, a lot, too much, then I resumed my routine of the day, and while I was going to work, I took my cellphone and I saw the notification of a message that had been sent to me at 08 and 05; the text read “Teresa, the name guards a vocation, and what makes this name special is you, happy Saint Teresa’s day, signed, the Augustinian nuns from Saint Rita of Cascia”.


My mother was extremely devoted to Saint Rita, my own daughter was actually born on Saint Rita’s Saint day, my delivery was as difficult one, I knew that the message I had received was an automatic message from the Nuns, I know that there probably was a rational explanation to this message, but it was the very first time I received it, and I am convinced that behind this coincidence were the most beautiful Saint’s Day wishes that I could have possibly received, from my mother who gave me a tangible sign of her eternal love.


Name day special happy and beautiful wishes experiences are phrases from Teresa



Name day special happy and beautiful wishes experiences


Name day special happy and beautiful wishes


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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