Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


God and Angels exist

God and Angels exist at difficult times


God and Angels exist : yes, God and Angels exist are always present and intervene in difficult moments, let me explain, the difficult moments I experienced in my life; in 2018 I had received a notice of eviction, I was supposed to leave my home in 10 days, I was worried about my furniture, moneywise I was broke, we went to different agencies with little hope, but one morning I received a letter from Inps that I was to receive a payment of arrears on my pension, and after one week I received a call from the agency that I never visited, giving me an appointment to a place downtown; I immediately thought of divine intervention, given my current situation; I took the money from the pension arrears and with that I was able to pay for the deposit and month in advance on a new place, etc etc


By the end of 2019, given the low pension I was receiving, I was working on a temp contract about 40 kilometres from my house, but in November the owner said that he was shutting down, and given my age I went into crisis mode, by mid-December I put an ad out to look for temp work, to help me survive with the expenses; three days later I got a phone call, inviting me to a trial session, I went with a bit of trepidation, there was a lot of work making pizzas, that night I made 320 pizzas, when I finished my shift the owner said “very good, starting from January you are one of us”, it was 200 meters from my house, I don’t need to use gas, I don’t have to risk driving any more.


And someone dares say that God and Angels don’t exist?, you judge for yourself, thank you.


God and Angels exist experiences is the testimonial from Bruno


God and Angels exist at difficult times


God and Angels exist


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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