Le Parole degli Angeli
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Stories people who have seen other dimension

Stories from people who have seen the other dimension experience


Stories from people who have seen the other dimension : today I tell you about my story, the story of the person who has seen the other dimension, you know, the words from a beautiful testimonial I read on this site motivated me to tell you about something that not many people in my life know about, apart from a few family members and some friends; it happened to me too, when I was a little girl, until the age of 22, I could see dead people; when I was a girl my mother would take me with her when visiting someone to pay her condolences, and I could see the dead people right there, seated, or maybe standing in the corridor, watching and smiling without speaking; in my house I could always see a person, eventually later on someone else ended up being able to see that same person, without knowing it, everything coincided.


The most surprising thing happened when I was six years old, and a dear aunt of mine had just passed away, I had not been able to see her before she passed, so I was left with a sadness at not having been able to say goodbye to her; one day, as I was leaving school, my teacher called me, and told me that my aunt had come to collect me from school, and that she just told my aunt that I was a good student but that I talked a little too much; I observed carefully this person, and it was my aunt Carla, the one I had not been able to say goodbye to before she passed; I was petrified, she gave me a kiss on the forehead, and I ran home as fast as I could.


The following day my mother asked the teacher for more information, she confirmed everything I had said, she even told my mother the name of the aunt, and she even added a visual reference: she had a mole on her face.


Since then, since I turned 22, I can’t see them anymore, but I can hear them, I have premonitory dreams that regularly come true, and I can sense their presence; they love us and continue to stay right next to us.


Stories from people who have seen the other dimension experiences are words from Tiziana


Stories from people who have seen the other dimension experiences


Stories people who have seen other dimension


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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