Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Departed ones who try to communicate

Departed ones who try to communicate watch sign


Departed ones who try to communicate : yes I want to tell about departed ones who try to communicate, I want to tell you about my grandfather’s watch, he wore it all the time, and even if it’s been almost 22 years since he passed, I am always wearing it; for a period of time, the first two or three years, the watch would start vibrating; I lent it to my sister to wear, and it did the same with her too; one day we were in the company of our uncle who is a priest, he was my father’s brother, and I told him “uncle, try this watch on, let’s see what happens”, my uncle wore it for a little bit, but then he gave it back to me, saying that he did not believe in those things; would you believe it if I said that in that very moment he handed it over to me, it started to vibrate in my hand, and everybody was a witness to it?, nowadays it doesn’t vibrate anymore, I like to think that my father has evolved and moved on.


Departed ones who try to communicate sign is the testimonial from Rita


Departed ones who try to communicate


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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