Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Lourdes Immersion into the Blessed Water

Lourdes Immersion into the Blessed Water Witness into the sacred water of Lourdes


Lourdes Immersion into the Blessed Water : hello Sara, I’d like to share my witness with you, when I was little, my parents and I went to Lourdes to make me heal, because I was suffering from an illness that corroded my leg bones, and I was going blind; having Our Lady, I kept on my night table, near me in hospital, my operation succeeded and I started to walk again although using my legs seemed impossible, then I got my eyes operated and I went to Lourdes; when I got into the sacred water un I felt a freeze inside of me and I felt as if I were dying but then my body warmed up with a sweet heat and a light sort of pins and needles all over my body; when I got out, I was dry and my hair was slightly wet, seeing it was long but as soon as I finished putting my trousers on my hair was dry again.


Now I’m happily married with my wife, a sweet Filipino, we are praying to have a baby, our greatest wish.


Please join to our prayers, help us if you can and if you want, we always pray for our wish and Peace in the world.




Lourdes Immersion into the Blessed Water Witness into the sacred water of Lourdes was told from Gianluca and Estella


Lourdes Immersion into the Blessed Water


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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