Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Padre Pio and the Scent of Roses

Padre Pio and the Scent of Roses An Experience at His Tomb Witness Padre Pio’s scent

Padre Pio and the Scent of Roses : I went to Padre Pio nine years ago to ask for a Blessing for my mother-in-law, she had had a very serious stroke, the doctors told us it wasn’t going to be easy for her to walk and that she would have stayed in a wheelchair.

I couldn’t accept that so I prayed for her, when I got to Padre Pio I felt as if I were surrounded by a great Faith and I killed myself crying all the time we were at His tomb, I wrote down my great wish and I posted it in the urn there.

Outside, ten minutes later I felt I was surrounded by a wonderful scent of roses, I didn’t think of anything right then because I hadn’t ever heard of this scent, so I asked who was near me “what’s this smell?”, everyone said they didn’t smell anything and I went on saying that I did and that I thought it was very strange, seeing that it was very strong.

A person near me even told me not to be stupid, and said that there they sprayed something with that scent to make you smell Padre Pio’s scent. I was upset, because they thought I was mad, but I said to that person “can you smell this scent?”, “no” was the reply and so I went on very angry “how can you say that?, if they would had sprayed that perfume, you would have smelt it too”, still being angry she said she didn’t smell it; I moved about ten meters away and I still went on smelling the scent.

When we got home, after some month’s time since my visit to Padre Pio, my mother-in-law started to move her hand, a year later she started to walk with a stick and now she doesn’t use it anymore.

Bye to everyone

Padre Pio and the Scent of Roses An Experience at His Tomb Witness Padre Pio’s scent was told by Berny


Padre Pio and the Scent of Roses


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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