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Medjugorje Our Lady Miracle Pregnancy

Medjugorje Our Lady of Medjugorje Miracle Pregnancy and Recovery from a fibroma

Medjugorje Our Lady Miracle Pregnancy : other years went by, almost after fifteen years since I had my last son I was expecting again in 1996, I was so happy, after having prayed so much, our Lady had granted me my wish, and I was rather sure of that because one night I dreamt of Her, I had never had mystic dreams in all my life, but on that night Our Lady of stone came down from Her alter and became alive, She took my hand and said “do you miss you mother so much?”, she died in 1983, I said I did and still holding my hand She walked with me along a path, She stopped and I looked at the little steep road in the countryside, and saw my mother coming out of a door towards me, we hugged one another without speaking, she was beautiful, young and her hair smelt of something I can’t describe; that morning when I woke up I went on smelling it.
After this wonderful meeting with my mum, She went on saying “you are going to have a son in 1996, it was 1995 when I had that dream, and then She went back onto the altar, I was really excited and moved at the same time so I asked the name of the statue dressed completely in white and I was told that it was Our lady of Medjugorje.
When I woke up I was a bit confused for having seen my mother and a bit for the news I got from Our Lady, I couldn’t believe those words of having another child even because I had been wishing to have another one since years, but every doctor told me it was better to have my uterus taken away, because it was with fibroma and big and that it was better for me before it turned into cancer.
I had never paid attention to what the doctors were saying, because having my uterus taken away, I wouldn’t have had any chance anymore, and I went on praying to Our Heavenly Mother to give me another chance, because some years ago I had some miscarriages, and I felt guilty, I phoned my sister to tell her about this very strange dream of mine, and I said that maybe it was only an illusion, I wouldn’t have had children anymore, because I was forty and I would have gone through menopause after a few years.
After some time I forgot about that dream, and one day I decided to take a test, because I hadn’t had my periods for almost two months, you see I was afraid I was suffering forma a terrible illness and when I got the news, believe me, nobody could have been happier than me.
You see, later on I linked it with my dream, because it was May, the month dedicated to Our Lady, She had listened to me.
After four months I got my amniocentesis test which my doctor had advised me to, I was really unsure about that because if it was with Down what would have I done? but Our lady hadn’t abandoned me for that problem either and guess what a surprise I got, it was a girl after having had two boys.
When I prayed to Our Lady I used to say “our Lady let me have another child, it doesn’t matter what sex, but if you want to give me a little daughter it would be wonderful for me, She gave me this gift.
When I was five months pregnant I was really bad in hospital with hallucinating pains that didn’t stop despite of me taking medicines and the doctor said that if I didn’t feel better he would have had to intervene, not knowing how it would have ended up because the fibroma I had, had grown as big as my baby’s head, I went on praying and I had faith in what Our Lady had said, She couldn’t have given me such a great joy and then take it away from me.
A week later I was exhausted owing to the pain and suddenly I felt better, after the scan the doctor was astonished because the fibroma had turned little again like it was at the beginning of my pregnancy, when I was giving birth, I had a C section, my doctor asked me if I wanted to have my fallopian tubes closed, and I asked why on earth would I have wanted to do that, I didn’t want another child like he said, but I thought it was only by chance that I was pregnant.
After thirteen months I didn’t feel well and because the doctor couldn’t take the fibroma away I was worried, but surprisingly I was pregnant again, my husband wasn’t glad about that, and wanted me to have an abortion, but immediately I decided not to, after so many prayers Our Lady had granted my request, and he expected me to have an abortion?, I just couldn’t, it was as if I was being put to the test saying, “I’m letting you have another child, what are you going to do now?” no, no, no; I had to face this flower that was growing inside of me, and believe me although the doctor said that I had to rest and not to got tired, I didn’t have any trouble nor pain at all, I was only happy to have another baby.
Don’t you think that’s a miracle?

Medjugorje Our Lady of Medjugorje Miracle Pregnancy and Recovery from a fibroma was told by Letizia

Medjugorje Our Lady Miracle Pregnancy
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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