Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous

Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous Coin Miraculous Graces received coming out of a Coma

Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous : my dear Sara, I’m going to tell you about the wonderful grace I received in October 2008; I go to Cascia since years. I’m devoted of Saint Rita, and my husband and I always pop in Norcia and San Giovanni Rotondo, I have always visited the two churches in the square, not knowing for what Saint they had been built; before leaving, clicking round in the Net, I got to know about the miraculous coin of Saint Benedict of Norcia, I don’t know why I was attracted by it, and the great desire to try and get that coin, one of those Churches was build for Saint Benedict.
I contacted the Friars, they were foreigners and they didn’t speak Italian; by chance, or coincidence just when I was telling the Friar about the coin, an English Friar came up who spoke Italian; the problem was solved, the Abbot asked me my name and told me to go at ten o’clock the following morning to go and collect the coin blessed by him for me; all this was translated by the English Friar.
The following morning on time, I hung the coin on my neck, the day before at Roccaporena I bought a chain to hang the coin as to wear it and never take it off.
At night Oct. 13th I was recovered in hospital in a coma, stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, focus lung, the doctors didn’t say a word, the situation was critical, I was living my very sweet adventure, I was very thirsty, I was in a room with the floor made of terracotta bricks, there was a black, dark, rectangular hole in a wall, and I understood that I couldn’t go there, the other three walls were flames; I noticed that the floor was hanging in the air, between the flames and me there was someone with a beard and a shepard’s crook, I thought it was Saint Joseph, I hadn’t ever seen the picture of Saint Benencit of Norcia before; there was a plain, steel thimble in a corner, then I noticed it was growing as big as a bucket of water in a well, I felt fresh, I was suffering from temporary blindness, and I felt a hand caressing me. It was my sister-in-law, I recognized her, I woke up, I was back.
A few months later when I could see better, I looked for the picture of that very sweet person on the PC, it was Saint Benedict of Norcia, the flames were high, not aggressive, a wonderful orange colour, they radiated warmth, not heat, they were friendly flames, I wasn’t afraid.
I told Father Giuseppe, a Priest, about this who I trust and he said “Rosa pray, pray as lot, you have received a grace"; Henry one of the two friends of the Site “Monastero invisibile” (“Invisible Convent”) explained to me about the power of prayers and of the coin.
I have never considered these sacred objects as good luck charmes, I would have never used it, but, in this period I often have been down, I have asked my Saints who protect me, for help; Padre Pio said “send me you Guardian Angel to make demands”; one evening after praying, I asked my guardian Angel to give Him a message, that night I dreamt of Padre Pio, who was lying down and it was the same as the one I saw later on Internet after the exhumation of his body, he was looking towards a wall full of Rosary beads, I didn’t understand what he meant; in the evenings I like to spend some time surfing the Net, at my second click an article on Padre Pio appeared, I read that he used to get up at four o’clock in the morning to pray the Rosary before the Holy Mass, and during the day he used to pray at least a hundred of them a day; the message was clear, according to my request, since that day I have took up a healthy, happy, good habit of praying the Rosary every evening, especially for the Souls in Purgatory who I love.
Since I have come back from hospital I have still got to get back to this beloved habit, it’s impossible for me during the day and in the evening I mange to keep awake for a short time until 10 and 00 p.m.
My regards

Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous Coin Miraculous Graces received coming out of a Coma was told by Rosa

Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous Coin Miraculous Graces received coming out of a Coma
Saint Benedict of Norcia Miraculous
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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