Le Parole degli Angeli
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Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII

Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII and of Pope John Paul II stories


Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII and of Pope John Paul II : in these hours of holy wait for the Canonization of our Pope John XXIII and of Pope John Paul II, I thought that it would be nice to remind you of other graces received and of miracles that were presented through this website; they are tales of people, of hearts, of emotions that chose to share with all of you through these pages.


This way it will be even nicer to prepare together for this feast.


An embrace to all of you from Sara Luce


Miracles That Happened From John XXIII Testimonials Of Healing



Pope John XXIII Blessing received A Kiss to my Son Witness



Pope John XXIII healed me Pope John XXIII the good Pope Witnesses of Miracles



Miracle Pope John’s Appearance Witness Recovery from viral hepatitis Pope John’s Miracle



Pope John Paul II a Scent waiting for the Prayer Vigil Beatification of Pope Paul John II



Rosary Of St John Paul II A Gift From Heaven Testimonial



Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII and of Pope John Paul II presented through this website


Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII and of Pope John Paul II stories


Recent Miracles of Pope Father John XXIII


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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