Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje

Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje witnesses


Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje : hello Sara Luce, today I would like to tell you a wonderful experience that I lived in Medjugorje together with my twin sister Antonietta; it was March 2012, one morning I went to pick up the mail from the mail box and I found a little publicity leaflet with the image of the Madonna of Medjugorje, with prices and timetables and departures for the month of May, they were offering a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.


I read it with curiosity but with the desire in my heart to be able go on that very important trip. I had heard several testimonials of friends and other people who had been to Medjugorje and were very enthusiastic of the trip, of the miracles and the messages from Mother Celeste to the clairvoyants, and to us children.


From that day on, my desire to go to Medjugorje became stronger and stronger in my mind, every night before I went to bed I would speak to the Madonna and ask her to make this dream come true, to be able to go and visit her. But how? I did not have money, I did not have a job that allowed me to go on a pilgrimage, I spoke with my sister Antonietta of my wish to go, and even Antonietta was very enthusiastic about it, but she told me immediately that she could not, she did not have the financial means for it, she shared with me that she was going through some expenses for the family and that this trip to Medjugorje was going to be difficult.


One night before I went to sleep I prayed to the Madonna, I told her “Madonna, Antonietta and I would very much like to come to see you, please make us win the lotto, it’s always been a fun game”; I told the Madonna that if she allowed us to win, we would use the money to buy the pilgrimage to Medjugorje.


And so the Madonna fulfilled our request, that Saturday night Antonietta and I won the lotto, I won a twin and she won two twins.


Our joy was immense, the joy to go on our trip, the following Monday morning, ecstatic with happiness, we went to the travel agency in Como and booked our trip, set for 20th of May at four in the morning in the Church square in Desio, our little town, it was a six day trip to Medjugorje, and we could hardly wait.


It was going to be our very first pilgrimage abroad; I had already been to visit Father Pio in Pietrelcina.


The morning of the 20th May arrived among anxiety and butterflies in our stomachs, we got on the bus, we put our suitcases away and were greeted by our guide Anna. We started the long trip, it was raining heavily, for the entire trip. Anna informed us that our first stop was going to be at a freeway service station in Padova. She explained to us that this was going to be a prayer tour, with chants to our Celestial Mother. It was a very emotional trip for all of us, Anna involved each one of us to recite the Rosary, with my shaky voice I too recited about ten prayers, we all happily participated, with enthusiasm.


When we stopped in Padova we mingled with the other travelers, exchanging our thoughts on how we felt, opinions of Medjugorie, there were people who had already been there two or three times, and every time was a fantatstic experience.


My sister Antonietta and I were looking at each other without speaking, our looks were joyful and full of happiness for this experience, who knew what awaited us.


The second stop was at the border with ex Yugoslavia, we ate a sandwich, a quick stop and we were on the road again, we recited another rosary, and then a pause to relax. Toward eight in the evening we arrived at the border, they checked all our passports and finally they gave us the all clear to go; tired but happy, we checked in our hotel which was located not far from the church of Medjugorje, a wonderful place, clean and welcoming, our guide Anna gave us all the information we needed and asked that we be ready for dinner time.


We had dinner and chatted away, exchanging enthusiastic comments abut the trip. Anna gave us the program for our first day in Medjugorje; naturally Antonietta and I were very happy, before we fell asleep I told my beloved twin sister “Who knows if the Celestial Mother will give us a sign too, it would be wonderful”. Antonietta nodded.


In the morning of the first day in Medjugorje we went to the restaurant, awaiting our Anna, a brief prayer before breakfast and then they day started; we had a big breakfast and then at 10 we were ready in front of the hotel for our first stop: the visit to the Madonna in the mountain.


Together with three other buses we departed for our hike … it was so steep! A fantastic experience, we did a via cruces with a very special guide, Savino, who knew every detail of the place, he told us that he had been guiding pilgrims for the last thirty years to discover Medjugorje, at every station of the via cruces Savino would explain things to us, we sang and prayed. At the station before last we could close our umbrellas, a little sunshine finally showed up, we were standing there listening when the sun began literally pulsating, like opening and closing, all of us were looking up, our guide warned us: “Do not look at the sun, focus on the prayer”, that pulsating movement was a trick from Satan to distract us from the prayer.


When we arrived to the top, there it was standing, all while, with her arms wide open, our Lady;  I had the sensation that she was embracing all of us with joy; while I was absorbed in my thought I was saying “Mother, we are finally here with you”, and while I said that I actually fell down, I tripped on something, people were carefully helping me up again thinking the worst, but I escaped with not even a scratch on me, they told me that the Madonna had protected me.


The descent from the mountain was much faster, we were hopping like little happy grasshoppers. Our days came and went among prayers, chants and holy Masses, on the fifth day our guide Anna showed us the program: at 11:00 at the Church square for the souvenir pictures and the holy Mass in Italian, at the building next to the main Church. While Antonietta and I were waiting for the rest of our group to join us, Antonietta looked up in the sky and told me that she could see the silhouette of the Madonna, with a 12 start crown on her head. I could not see her, but while we were walking toward the building to go to the Holy Mass, a luminous cross was following me … and I was saying “Antonietta, do you see the luminous cross following me?” and she replied “No, but I do see an upside down cross”. We hugged, and with tears down we were consoling each other; Antonietta told me “You see, the Madonna gave me a sign, because last night, before I went to bed, I told her, Madonnina, if it’s true that you are here, let me see you; well, my my request was granted, because right in front of us we saw a luminous cross and …. an upside down cross …. what kind of sign was the Madonna giving us?”


Our group was very close, very tight together, we were like just one big entity, but in the group, naturally, we met a girl by the name of Rosy and a guy called Gigi: between the four of us, Rosy, Gigi, Antonietta and I there was a very special chemistry, in the evening after the masses we would go for walks, we would tell each other all about ourselves, our joys and sorrows, our friendship started to be very meaningful, we were united in the complicity, in the happiness.


After dinner our guide gave us the evening program: everyone at the church square for the Holy Mass at nine pm; we started going, the square was full of people, we took our seats all the way in the back, all four us were very happy but also a little sad because this was going to be the last evening that we would be together, and we all made a promise not to lose touch with each other, and make sure our friendship would continue forever.


At eleven thirty that night was the closure, with the special blessing for all people present, for all sick people. While we were heading for the exit door, we were awaiting for the square to empty so we too could leave. We started moving. While we started walking, the four of us again, laughing and joking, we suddenly saw in front of us a young man in a wheelchair, with all around him a group of people; one of them was pushing the wheelchair, we were looking at each other, and the young man gestured to stop the wheelchair, about a dozen people around him were not able to understand what he was saying, he was all curved up, his body in an advanced state of atrophy, he was shouting and wanted to get up from his wheelchair. We were in front of them, about ten feet away, the young man, unstable on his feet, did stand up, at the beginning they were all supporting him, but then he moved away from everyone and slowly slowly he made it to the square of the Madonnina, among chants and prayers; we accompanied this young miracle man from Lebanon, he took an hour to get to the feet of the Madonnina, among the tears of his mother and all of us being also very emotional, we accompanied him with chants and prayers in giving thanks to the Madonna; the joy of that moment, it was such a happiness, an immense joy for this miracle that the Celestial Mother had shown us, like a joy, a memory, to always carry with us in our heart.


Our desires, our requests were indeed granted with the testimonial of a miracle; we have made a promise in our hearts: to return to our Celestial Mother with our friends Rosy and Gigi, Antonietta and I, obviously, hopefully by September 2016; our Celestial Mother awaits us.


Here it is Sara, another true and sincere testimonial, for all people who will read this


A tight hug


Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje witnesses was told by Aurora, Antonietta, Rosy and Gigi


Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje witnesses


Miracles of the Madonna of Medjugorje


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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