Le Parole degli Angeli
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The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin

The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin testimonies a gift from the Virgin Mary


The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin : dear Sara I wanted to tell you about a gift I received from the Virgin Mary, the miraculous pendant, the pendant of the Miraculous Virgin.


I will take a step back. You have to know that years ago someone had given me a miraculous pendant, I kept it with me at all times, it was such a joy for me to wear it, I loved it very much. I kept it in my wallet, I guarded it jealously.


I don’t know how, but one day I could not find it any more, I was devastated, I was truly very discouraged.


A girlfriend gave me another one, made of gold, but I could not get past the fact that I had lost my pendant.


Some time later, I decided to go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. I wanted to bathe in the sacred baths, and that morning I woke up very early; I convinced my girlfriend to come with me so very early so that it would not be as crowded and we would not have to wait too long in line.


So we set out and headed for the baths. There were some people, but not too many, we took our place standing in line. While we were waiting, my eyes suddenly looked down to the ground, and I saw something that left me speechless with emotion: a rosary with a wooden cross and, right next to it, hooked to it and in plain sight, a miraculous pendant, just like the one I had lost. It was the way both the rosary and the pendant were laying out there that left me speechless and shocked me so much, they were laying there, side by side, as if they were saying to me “here we are, together”, so much emotion! It was wonderful!


Nobody there claimed ownership of them, and so I picked them up, and I thought “This means that the Virgin Mary wants me to recite the rosary every day too”, and this is what I do now.


Perhaps someone can think that it was just a coincidence, but, having lived all of these emotions, I can tell you without doubt that this was a gift.


Today, rosary and miraculous pendant are always with me, and I am so happy for it!




The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin testimonies a gift from the Virgin Mary was told by Riccarda




The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin testimonies a gift from the Virgin Mary


The pendant of the Miraculous Virgin


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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