Le Parole degli Angeli
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Paradise vision of Paradise during a NDE

Paradise vision of Paradise images during a NDE experience of Paradise NDE testimonies events NDE


Dear Sara Luce, it’s Elisabetta again, I would like to share this NDE testimonial also.

I remember a lady who one day lost consciousness, when she was young. Her name was Elvira.

Elvira had an extremely high temperature, however she insisted on getting up to go to the bathroom. As soon as she reached the bathroom Elvira collapsed on the floor, she was not breathing and her relatives immediately called for an ambulance … (she was probably still breathing but it was so soft it was almost imperceptible) … they gently laid her on the bed but the mother started crying because she thought she was dead … in addition the young lady had already started to look like someone who “is no longer here”…

I don’t know what they did to her, however the doctor began some labored treatments, injections and other stuff … in a nutshell, the girl survived ….

When she ‘returned’ she said the following:

“Mum, here I am, I am back, if you only knew what I saw and where I have been!”

My goodness it was so beautiful! It was an extraordinary thing! I have never seen such a place ….

When I arrived there was a lot of light, a flowery meadow with unimaginable flowers, extremely scented, and with colours I had never seen before and children who played happily … my goodness there were so many … and they were running … I tried to call them and touch them, but with no luck, I was hugging air …

Then I heard some beautiful music, like bells ringing … a warmth … not hot and not cold … and then butterflies, little birds … I was feeling so good!! I was perfectly healthy and happy … and while I was wandering in this stupendous place I heard my name being called … “Elviraaaaa, Elviraaaaa …” … I was hearing someone call me in the distance … I felt as if I was being pulled back until I found myself back here where I am now …”

Elvira (who is now over 60 years old) still vividly remembers this event in her life …. And it is probably also because of that experience that, since then, she has had many episodes of premonitions and spontaneous channeling.

Paradise vision of Paradise images during a NDE experience of Paradise NDE testimonies events NDE was told by Elisabetta




Paradise vision of Paradise images during a NDE experience of Paradise NDE testimonies events NDE



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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