Le Parole degli Angeli
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Experiences NDE near-death experiences remember

Experiences NDE near-death experiences remember of joy consciousness in the Near-death experiences


I have never been afraid of death, I was about eight years old when I nearly drowned. I assure you that you don’t feel anything. I was underwater, I was breathing very well! But I knew that when they would eventually pull me out of the water, then the trouble would start. And that is exactly what happened: I started feeling all the symptoms of drowning only after they “saved” me. The strange thing is this: sometimes, you just –know- things.

But how?

I actually want to tell you about another experience.

I was sixteen. One morning, my mother woke up startled and told me that she had had a bad dream. She told me: “Do you remember that old commercial advert of Perugina Kisses chocolates, where there is a girl in a long dress that flies over the city’s roofs? You were like that, and I struggled to grab you by a foot and pull you back down here”.

I gently made fun of her and told her off that she would not even leave me free to fly. She did not appreciate my humor. My mum never did.

Three days later I fell ill. Seriously ill. At least back then it was a serious illness. One afternoon I was sleeping and I found myself in a dark place. There were some people with me. We were having a discussion and I did not agree. Then I felt a joy, great, unknown and familiar at the same time. I was coming back and I knew, beyond any doubt, that the joy would have vanished and I was desperately trying to cling to it.

When I opened my eyes again I found my parents around my bed, leaning over me, without a reason I told them: “Relax, I am healed”. I never found out why I said that. But I often wondered.

Only after a long time my mother answered my questions: that afternoon my parents were leaning over me because I was mumbling something.

Only after a long time I read about NDE’s, and I put two and two together.

I have been asked how these experiences changed my life now: as far as my behavior is concerned, in respect to life in its totality, I try not to kill even a tiny little ant; I even regret having a “black thumb” instead of a green thumb, and I regularly end up having to replace my poor dear dead plants.

A hug


Experiences NDE near-death experiences remember of joy consciousness in the Near-death experiences was told by Caterina




Experiences NDE near-death experiences remember of joy consciousness in the Near-death experiences



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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