Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


OBE remember of out of body experiences child memories

OBE remember of out of body experiences child memories OBE accident watching the scene from up above


I lived in Sicily, I was very small.

Back then, in the sixties, I was about 4 years old.

I remember clearly what I experienced, recorded in my mind like a short video, however I do not remember the moments before my accident.

According to my auntie, my mum had scolded me and threatened to slap me, it appears that I escaped quickly out of the house. Right then someone driving a Vespa drove by and ran me over.

I do not remember the impact at all, I felt nothing, and this is where my memories began: I could see a lot of people around the Vespa and a lady was holding me in her arms, she had wrapped me completely in a black shawl; the lady was got on behind the man driving the Vespa, she said “Let’s go to the hospital quickly”.

The strange thing is that I was watching the entire thing from up above, all of this was happening below me and at the same time I was conscious that I was inside that black shawl. Even though I could not see the girl’s face, I knew it was me, I was not worried, I knew that I had had an accident, and yet I was not suffering, it was as if there were two of me, one had just had the accident and the other, the other was calm, without pain, outside the physical world, even if I did not understand all this, and she was watching the entire scene from up above. This is what I remember.

I do not remember who I spoke with, but they told me that after the accident things developed exactly the way I had described.

The doctor put some stitches on my head, I remember wearing something that looked like a turban, that covered my head and my forehead, I was all bandaged up, I remember feeling sad because they never let me leave the house to go and play for several days.

I have one more image, and a picture inside my memories, I was in my grandma’s home, in a bed that seemed enormous to me at the time, I was lying down in the middle, and the man driving the Vespa came to me to ask how I was.

The stitches on the part of my skin that had been torn off went from the center of my forehead all the way to my eye, almost all the way to my left ear. From that time on, every time I suffered from headaches my mother would take me to the doctor to the town of Gela for a check-up; this went on for a long, long time. However, I remember with pleasure the sandwich with Nutella that she would buy me whenever we went to the doctor.

OBE remember of out of body experiences child memories OBE accident watching the scene from up above was told by Angela




OBE remember of out of body experiences child memories OBE accident watching the scene from up above



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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