Le Parole degli Angeli
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Near-death memories shapes in telepathic contact

Near-death experiences Near-death memories shapes in telepathic contact protection in the Near-death


Hello everybody my name is Aldo, I am 39 years old and this is my experience. It was May 1985 and so I was not yet 16 years old, I was going to school at that time, and I was very busy with my studies, despite my young age I used to drink a few coffees and, on top of it, the morning of the day of my story my grandfather had passed away.

I will tell you what happened in the order it took place, and following that, what I saw or I what I believe I saw.

I was having dinner with my family, which comprised of my parents, an older brother and sister, and a younger brother; while I was eating, maybe due to drinking a very cold drink, I felt my head spin. I get up and tell my brother “let me walk past you, I don’t feel well” and I fall dead weight down on the floor between two chairs, they pick me up, lift my head and my eyes are so far rolled back that you can’t see my pupils, they take me to the bathroom above the bath tub and put me upside down, and then pick me back up again. Eyes still rolled up, heart beat barely there to the point that it can not be felt without instruments, by the time they believed that I was dead I suddenly woke up again, then the ambulance trip, medical checks etc.

This is my experience, I did not see lights, from the moment I felt sick to a few moments before I woke back up again I felt a complete void, it’s only the last 15 or 20 final seconds of those few minutes that brought me to write about this, I remember the darkness becoming more and more light, to a dark grey, a very stubborn buzzing inside my head, but they did not seem like voices, then all of a sudden in the midst of that grey I could make out the shapes of many people, all around me, as if I was lying down and they were bending over me, I was completely surrounded, I was looking up but I could see all of them. The shapes where a light gray but I could not make out their faces, and they were all similar, the only thing that stood out was their white and luminous eyes without pupils, they were looking at me all the time, still bending over me, without speaking, but it felt as if they were speaking, it seemed as if it was a form a protection, I felt the protection, but I was afraid nonetheless, and very much so; I like to think that regardless of who those people were, they finally decided to let me go, then darkness fell again, and then the image of the ceiling of the corridor where I see my parents by my side, and in the background, my brothers.

Years later I spoke about it with my family and with a couple of close relatives, cousins, a friend, and nobody else, and I have not had any other experiences since then.

Near-death experiences Near-death memories shapes in telepathic contact protection in the Near-death was told by Aldo




Near-death experiences Near-death memories shapes in telepathic contact protection in the Near-death



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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