Le Parole degli Angeli
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Experiences OBE children Life outside your own body

Experiences OBE children Life outside your own body vision OBE Angel Light during the war story


It was 1940, war time. We lived in Sant’Andrea Frieus, about 28 Kilometers from Cagliari, Italy. There was a lot of poverty, many people fled our town and even our parents were extremely poor; my mother, however, managed to make-do in so many different ways that we never suffered hunger, on the contrary, my mum donated food to others. When we heard the noise from the planes we would feel shivers and we would immediately run to hide under our mum’s big bed.

That day, I was six years old, I was suffering from malaria and fever over 104F (40C); it was daytime and even if by the grace of God nothing was happening to us, we could hear the bombing of the city of Cagliari as if it was happening somewhere near our house; mum was afraid that something could happen to us children, as well as some other girls that were in our house at the time, they had escaped from some other house; she put some blankets under her bed, which was very high and made of cast iron, and, without thinking about my illness, she put all of us to rest under her bed; I was holding a little statue of the Madonna of Bonaria in my hand, and next to us a candle was burning.

At some point I found myself alone in the middle of a square full of soldiers, I could see them but they could not see me, I saw the devastation of the war, men falling dead from the shootings, tanks running everywhere at high speed, trucks full of soldiers and in one of them I also saw my uncle, when I saw that I ran away and went back to my home, but I was not under the bed with the other girls, I was wandering here and there, I could see everything happening around me, I saw my mum clutching my body and praying, she also made all girls pray out loud.

I was there and I was enjoying the show without an ounce of fear, not only that, but I would have liked to stay right there without going back to my body, because I felt so good there, I was immersed in an enormous Light that was blinding me and I could see nothing else other than the Light.

There was a young man that must have been about 18, all dressed in white, his dress was so long I could not even see his feet, he took me by the hand and told me: “Come on, go now, it’s time to go back”, and I obeyed because this is what I was taught to do, and so I let myself be transported almost to the point between the arms of my own body, and then I found myself once again confused and full of pain in every part of my body.

I wanted to stay out of my body because I was feeling so good, I even cried out of sadness at having to go back into that body that I no longer felt belonged to me.

When all the noise from the bombing stopped, my mum let us out from under the bed and the first thing she did was to tuck me into her own bed above, she covered me with so many blankets that I was sweating “seven shirts”, as they say.

When all the other girls left, mum took me in her arms, she was attentive to everything we did or said, she was a saint of a mother because she could see even beyond the words we told her. That day, she noticed I was as pale as milk and she asked me: “My child, what happened to you?” and I candidly answered her question and told her all about what had happened to me and she calmly replied back “Of course, I should have guessed”.

We talked about it for a long time, then she said “Don’t tell anyone, you must only pray to Jesus and the Madonna that they help you do everything that God wants you to, without ever complaining; Love your God because He gave you these gifts that not everyone receives, and you must do His Holy Will.

That night on the radio they were reporting all that happened in town and my mother said “My child, you were right, it was all identical to how you had described it to me”.

In our lives, we never talked about that incident again, but we just needed to look at each other in the eyes, and we knew what we were saying, we would hug each other and sometimes she would give me a little pinch on the cheek, or a kiss.

Peace and wellness,

Experiences OBE children Life outside your own body vision OBE Angel Light during the war story was told by Maria Bonaria




Experiences OBE children Life outside your own body vision OBE Angel Light during the war story



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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