Le Parole degli Angeli
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Road accidents experience OBE do we feel pain in those moments?

Road accidents experience OBE do we feel pain in those moments? out of body experience OBE witness

I asked Enrico to share with all of you his experience, his testimonial, because when someone we love dies in pain in a motor accident, we keep asking ourselves how much did that person end up suffering. So here is Enrico’s experience, to further prove something the Sky and the Angels already communicated to us:

Hello everybody, I shall tell you my experience exactly as it happened.

It was June 2003 and at the time I was working for a printing company, I shall specify that for the last couple of days a feeling of sadness was in the air; I was driving, running some errands, I reached a stop sign at a crossing, I stopped, there was nobody on either side, in the lane opposite me in the distance there was a car with a truck behind it, so I start driving straight on again …. The truck enters my own lane …. And I am no longer in my own body, I feel suspended in an indescribable zone, “What am I doing here?”, I had the sensation that at least half an hour had passed …. I was on that road about to have a head-on crash with that truck. As I am thinking this, I found myself once again back inside my own body, two seconds passed, and then the … “Crash”, no physical pain, only much later on I felt pain due to my broken hip, but nothing more.

I experienced an expansion of time …. I truly believed that a Spirit is not meant to experience physical pain in an extreme moment, meaning that the Spirit retracts beforehand … that’s all. Then my life changed completely, now I work with disabled people.

Road accidents experience OBE do we feel pain in those moments? out of body experience OBE witness was told by Enrico



Road accidents experience OBE do we feel pain in those moments? out of body experience OBE witness

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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