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Unborn children the answers in this NDE

Unborn children the answers in this NDE testimonial near death experience witness

Unborn children the answers in this NDE testimonial : hello everyone, this testimonial is about unborn children, I asked Paola to share with us her NDE experience as I think of the many parents who, even though they desperately wanted a child, ended up losing their baby during the pregnancy, often as a society we do not recognize the great pain felt even during these experiences, but it’s the same pain that a parent feels at the loss of a born child.

Where are they?, who is with them?, who is looking after our child?, how are they?, these are the questions which find an answer in Paola’s testimonial.

A hug to everyone, Sara Luce

Hello, my name is Paola, last year I fainted, and as I was passed out I felt as if I was somewhere else, I could see my mother, my father, my unborn children, all the people I love who are now dead, they all smiled at me, my unborn children were calling me, they wanted me to stay with them, they wanted their mum, my parents over there, on the other hands, did not want me to stay there, they told me not to enter that wonderful light, there was so much peace, serenity, calm, warmth, I did not know what to do, I cried, I wanted to stay with them, but at the same time I could see my own daughter crying and calling me.

My unborn children hugged me, my parents also, I turned around and I left in tears.

I woke up again at the hospital with nurses and doctors all around me, it was so cold, I would have preferred to stay over there, now I am left with this memory and this experience changed me dramatically, what made me come back was seeing my daughter on earth crying in front of my body on the bed, I could see myself lying very still on that bed.

Unborn children the answers in this NDE testimonial near death experience witness was told by Paola

Unborn children the answers in this NDE testimonial

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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