Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

The voice of Jesus poem

The voice of Jesus poem listen to your heart you will hear a sweet voice filling you


The voice of Jesus poem : hello dear Sara, I want to share with you my experience; one night, I dreamt that I was with my husband, seated next to a little table, I was exhausted, suddenly I heard some words repeating themselves in my mind, they were very nice, but I could not write them down, I especially wanted to remember the title THE HEART.


A few days later, I suddenly remembered the words THE HEART, and I wrote them down on a piece of paper, then I said “Lord, in case you wanted me to write something down, now I have pen and paper”


And so it was. I started to write, without even thinking of what I was writing.




Listen to your heart


you will hear a voice


a sweet voice


filling you with peace


that voice is Jesus


telling you with love


I am your Lord


I am with you everywhere you will go


Follow me and you shall see


You will know my love


If you are with me with every thought


You will find peace with every journey


I bring love


I bring peace


Walk with me


I am with you.


During your life


You will encounter obstacles


Surrender yourself to me and you will find peace


I guide you to places you don’t know


Surrender yourself to me and you will find peace.


You really have that precious thing


You will find in me a trusted friend


Pray to me and you shall find me


The Love you feel is sweet and sincere


Surrender yourself to me and you will know real love


The precious thing you are feeling is the love


This is the engine that runs your heart.



This is a message, and an invitation for me, and I also think that it is for everyone, because in front of the eyes of God we are all equal, we are all his children.


This is all that I wanted to share with you.






Thank you too, Sara, for what you do


A Kiss, Peace to your heart,


The voice of Jesus poem listen to your heart you will hear a sweet voice filling you are words from Antonella




The voice of Jesus poem listen to your heart you will hear a sweet voice filling you


The voice of Jesus poem


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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