Le Parole degli Angeli
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Friends Of The Angels Help Others Brothers Change Process The Protector Angels

Friends Of The Angels Help Others Brothers Change Process The Protector Angels
This message is for your friend Sara, who is doing so much to help Lidia. My dear this message is very important for all of those people who like you do their best to help their brothers who are suffering but are sad to see that their help does not always produce the results that your great effort would deserve to see.
My dear brothers and friends of the Angels, your undertaking is never fruitless even if you do not see the outcome that you would like to see, your commitment is so important that sometimes even we come down to help you help our protected ones who are not even able to feel our sweet words directed to their good hearts that we continually whisper to them.
Brothers and friends of the Angels, this is the consequence of the great suffering that leads to shutting the doors of one's own good heart and it seems that nothing is able to get through it; however brothers and friends of the Angels, don't give up because the hope for healing, I talk to you from experience, is always active and sometimes just one positive experience is sufficient to make a frozen heart open up, begin a new experience, afterward you can experiment that all of your other words did not go unnoticed, but, just like our words, they had been heard from that heart, it's just that now they contribute to the new change process that can bring this person to benefit from life in a completely different way from that previous the life that was lived until a few days earlier.
For this reason do not despair and continue to help those brothers of yours because the day will come in which all of this will end.
I can assure you that many, many times I experienced such drastic changes; many are the possible causes that may promote this passage, for example, they can be very positive experiences, such as a new love, it could be a newborn child, it could be a small pet that cuddles up to you, it can be a change in the work field, it can be a direct message from us Angels that helps bring hope in the great Love of the Father whom we represent with our messages.
You see brothers and friends of the Protector Angels, the ways to help these brothers are endless, try to understand what seems to be the problem for this brother and try to help him in that direction. This message is not only addressed to our friend Sara, but to all brothers who put all of their energy to help other brothers, it's for them that I dictated these words today in the name of us Protector Angels.
This is the Protector Angel Samuele speaking to you today.
Friends Of The Angels Help Others Brothers Change Process The Protector Angels was the Message received 8th December 2003
Friends Of The Angels Help Others Brothers Change Process The Protector Angels
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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