Le Parole degli Angeli
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Luminous Stars To the Eyes of our God the Father Expression of His Great Love Messages from God

Luminous Stars To the Eyes of our God the Father Expression of His Great Love Messages from God
My dear and sweet sons and my dear and sweet daughters, today it’s your Father dictating His message, happy with the progress in your hearts.
Watching you fills me with bliss, watching you fills me with Love, there are words and many concepts, but, as I watch you, words enter your heart and the sweet change that I witness brings about a luminosity of such intensity that when I observe you the eyes of your Father respond by filling even more with the color of Love.
You look like stars to me, luminous stars, large, wonderful stars unleashing a Love that gets bigger and bigger, and by illuminating more and more also allows me to reach people, environments, the nature in your proximity.
With my heart proud with the important progress I witness taking place, I fill you with Love so that as stars you may be always bigger and important for your brothers and for me.
There are children who are giving up on bringing my Love, at the moment they are convinced that selfishness is playing the lion’s share, when you look at this world and you happen to feel the same discouragement, look at me, look at your Father, look at me who created you with Love and welcome inside you this Love that, my children, I pour all over you all the time, to give you signs that over the course of time everybody, each one of my children, will be forever and only expression of my great Love.
Continue to illuminate with affection, continue to spread your sweetest feeling, Love, spread Love and everybody, everybody together will be able to feed from your hopes, from your experiences, from your joy and at the same time from the joy and the Love of your Father.
The father, I am the father of these sweet stars whom I accompany toward their own fulfilment, I confess to you children, that sometimes even in my heart I would love to see all of you already shining in front of my eyes, but I shall wait for time to allow each one of my children to find me inside their hearts forever.
And this is what will happen, one day, finally, to the eyes of your Father and the eyes of every sweet child, looking around himself, they will see only Love, the completely pure expression of Love in its every manifestation.
And with today’s eyes, when you look around you, you notice the eyes of the brothers who are illuminating this sweet earth with Love just like you, do give them a sign of recognition from your own Love and feel united in bringing to your brothers my sweetest Love.
Often over time profound experiences inside us bring us to look for Love, with you my sweet children, I will be Love for every one of my children whom you will meet, I will be Love for each one of my children who you will help, I will be Love for each one of my children who will ask you questions, I will be Love for each one of my children who are depressed, who lost faith, who gave up, who are lost.
With you my child I will be Love, the great Love that will sustain you, the great Love that will inspire you, the great Love that will speak through you to each heart, you will feel my Love flow inside you, that Love that needs to be next to each child to allow him to recognize himself in me and you, my loved sister, will feel that your Father is inside you for you, to help you be happy to be an instrument of Love.
With my heart full with my Love for each one of my sweet children, I will turn my prayer to you, like a son you have freedom and, as I have always done, I have always respected your freedom, but you just need to say one word, a call for help, “Help me my Father” and right then my child I will be inside you, I will move inside you and, embraced with your brothers, we will face the world together.
Wanting to be with you and at the same with every one of my other children is a sweet need, you remember the two of us being together in Paradise, and now that on the surface we appear to be far away, your sweet beckoning can bring us to be together on earth again.
There is a need for a lot of Love on this earth and the two of us together can bring this Love to enrish again those hearts that are suffering because of great selfishness.
Sweet and loved child, now that I talked to you and you listened to me and the time has come to embrace you very very tight to my heart, don’t hesitate, its only my Love that I wish to be accepted by your splendid heart, I want to give you this Love so that you may feel happy starting from right now.
With the eyes reflecting the infinite Love that I feel for you my children, I look at you and I immerse myself inside you with a huge embrace, you are Love, I am Love, we are Love.
Your Father
Message transmitted 15th October 2006
Title Luminous Stars To the Eyes of our God the Father Expression of His Great Love Messages from God
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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