Le Parole degli Angeli
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Rage and Love Proofs over which you can Reflect Reflection Means Change Erase Violence

Rage and Love Proofs over which you can Reflect Reflection Means Change Erase Violence
You are like children, my loved creatures, like children who can feel from inside their heart intense emotions of rage and love.
In this message dictated from my heart, from the immense Love that I feel for each one of my children, today I want to help you defeat inside you all those feelings that speak of violence, to make you increasingly free to reply with Love, always experimenting the great Love inside your heart.
Do you think that someone could really interfere with your Love?
Could a brother interfere by taking away your Love?
Could situations stop you from expressing your Love?
At the moment your answer is yes, but my words today should, my loved ones, bring you to see yourselves as hearts that at all times choose Love or violence as a free option when facing everyone and everything.
Of course, I do not want to convince you, the important part is not convincing you, but presenting you with proofs over which you can reflect. Reflection means change at the moment when you recognize truths inside your heart.
Let’s make a few examples that all of you will have felt during your lives, so that you can recognize yourselves in the reactions and in the possibilities that lie inside all of your hearts.
For example, open the window to the past.
So many times you had discussions with your parents, this taught you what that heart was like, how it was pressured by the responsibility to educate you, to raise you in a world that you did not know and in addition the constant fear of that heart of not feeling up to the task assigned and of presenting you as a method what it had itself learnt from his own parents. Of course the individual characteristics would bring other problems and as you grew up you discovered the ideas and the many limitations of your parents.
Your growth experience was a wealth of knowledge for you and for those of you now who are parents, inside they feel the same pressure as that from their own parents, however they try as much as possible to send their Love while correcting the experiences of their own children.
If you look through the window of your past, you notice that your impression was that the possibility of Love for you was not erased, but insomuch that you would have preferred the greater expression of the feeling of affection from you and from your parents. This is the need that all of you feel, you are in the condition to feel your emotions and to be in the position to express those emotions until the end.
Let’s make another example, looking through the window of the past, every one of you fell in love.
What a beautiful experience, falling in love. Do you remember the recklessness of when you are sweetly in love? Everything seems to rotate instead of proceeding straight, rotate, you feel as if you are rotating in a vortex of joy that includes you and the person you love. Those are certainly exceptional moments, that joy, that desire, that meeting, being together, and all of a sudden nobody is more important to you than the loved person.
Then comes the stage of getting to know each other and the experience of many aspects of you and of the other person. And sometimes everything changes, with your thoughts you want to keep that emotion alive, but the problems that come to you stir negative emotions inside your heart. You begin to fight between the emotion you desire and the emotions that more and more often are being felt when in contact with the loved person. Emotions that die and leave in their place in the heart emotions of disappointment, conflicts, impossibility to change and suddenly you feel the emotion of Love abandoning you. And the relationship ends.
Today as you look through that experience, you notice that nobody stopped you from feeding that emotion of Love inside you, on the other hand you really would have wanted to love that person and what stopped you were only the changed circumstances, the changed emotions when in contact with those specific circumstances and the outcome is no longer that someone cancelled the Love inside you, but that the conditions no longer allowed you to express and experiment your Love.
Are these examples enough?
I believe that when looking through the window of your past, you will be able to see favorable circumstances to the expression of your Love and unfavorable circumstances to the expression of your Love.
However your feeling of Love was unchanged ever since then. You experienced Love, circumstance by circumstance, and you expressed it today just like back then, depending on the circumstances that you found yourselves in.
This demonstrates to you at the same time the constant intensity of the Love inside you in every moment when you can freely express it, and at the same time it shows you how all of you donate it, or not, depending on the circumstances.
And all of this shows you at the same time how violence and desire for Love represent the same side of the medal, a condition that blocks the expression of your own Love and condition that favors the expression of your own Love.
First of all this is the reflection that I offered to you today that will be your guide, reflection that violence and desire for Love are on the same side of the medal, the reflection that can help you erase from your heart the violence and the many feelings that you often experience and that poison your journey to the expression of the Love that you are.
I will leave you to rest in my affectionate arms, I feel so much Love for you my loved ones, rest, reflection can wait a few moments, rest in my arms and let the Love I feel for you reach your heart to console you and to tell you what a precious treasure you are for me.
Your Father
Message transmitted 10th December 2006
Title Rage and Love Proofs over which you can Reflect Reflection Means Change Erase Violence
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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