Le Parole degli Angeli
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Listening The meaning of the Words Listening on the Feeling Expressed through the Words Listening

Listening The meaning of the Words Listening on the Feeling Expressed through the Words Listening to the Heart
My sweet children, I am your Father, once again hand in hand with all of you. I have a lot of Love in my heart, and a hope that this contact will welcome you into the light of my great Love, enabling an almost-physical contact between our essences.
You notice, the words in the smallest of expressions always say what the heart is feeling, the expression of the voice, the expression in the choice of words, expression of the feeling felt inside the heart, this makes every message a moment of broadcasting of what the heart is feeling, from Love to the smallest emotion, everything is broadcasted through words.
Listening is vital to pick up what the heart is expressing, and sometimes many misunderstandings can be avoided if the focus is not on the feeling expressed through the words but rather on the choice of words that sometimes carry completely different meanings for you.
The attention to the choice of words always comes from the heart, but listening with your minds to this sequence of chosen words makes it difficult to grasp the meaning expressed by the own choice of words. The meaning always lies in the message sent by that heart, and it’s always your heart that while getting in contact is able to pick up the real meaning of the message that the other heart is sending.
My sweet children, you need to bring your attention to your heart, in every contact, when you listen to every message, both written and spoken.
All of you seek the meaning, however often you activate your mind and in the mind very often the meaning is your own meaning, the reason why you would personally choose that sequence of words as opposed to others, and this, if the heart is not listening, can take you very far away from the expression of the truth that their heart is expressing.
Many words can be uttered, giving meanings that can vary wildly between them, and a sweet message can be an expression of a heart that is profoundly in love or an expression of a very superficial contact with your own feelings.
The mind reacts to this by giving meaning to that sweet message while the heart is quizzing itself on the experience that the heart is actually communicating via the transmission of those words.
My creatures, listening with your heart is very important, because the truth is always what you feel deep inside you; the kindness that is being sent is always inside the heart; an important recognition of the heart, Love, is the same: it’s always inside the heart that the recognition takes place, whether what is stirring in the other person is pure sweet Love for a creature that is aware of his own feeling or expression of search for something important to send, even in the middle of unawareness of his own feeling of Love being felt completely.
If we accept the meaning found in our mind, we could end up overestimating the awareness of that heart, deceiving ourselves about the presence of a feeling that is much more limited than we had attributed to it; the feeling in its authenticity, on the other hand, is always perceived by the heart and over the course of time your remaining in contact with your heart will allow you to instantly feel that feeling, expresses authentically by that heart.
Just like you, many brothers are carrying on with their project of expressing themselves from the heart, in the feeling of Love that all of you carry inside; however, recognition also means to register that each one of you have reached an expression of your hearts that vary wildly between you, there is Love and then there is Love, even by pronouncing the same word, Love, the heart can differentiate the level of awareness in the Love reached by that heart.
My message is an answer to those hearts that are suffering, they are beautiful but they are in pain, because their companion is speaking of Love, but in their hearts what they feel does not correspond to Love. My loved, sweet children, my fantastically wonderful creatures, if you always use your heart to listen, you will understand in your heart why you are sensing this shortcoming.
Your Father often embraced you with Love, but also with the care to send to each one of your hearts the recognition of the Love that I have always given you while embracing you, while kissing you, while consoling you, while sending you all of my words, and listening to your hearts, you have always recognized the presence of the affection of your father.
Many of your brothers who are on earth today are aware of their feelings and finding these feelings is not so hard, of course you need to turn to your heart to recognize them, but is there anything sweeter than to meet the true sweetness, is there anything more amiable than to meet the true manifestation of Love, and the experience of meeting with pure Love, what do you think?
Listening to the heart brings recognition. Listen to your hearts and to every message that comes to you and at all times you will understand what that heart is communicating to you.
Today you notice how often in your life you have privileged listening with your minds to many messages and the experience of the heart that you have now matured.
My sweet children, from today on this is all you need to know to decide to listen to every message through your heart, always, always from the heart the truth will be right in front of you.
I hug you with infinite Love
Your Father who fills your hearts with Love
Message transmitted 18th February 2007
Title Listening The meaning of the Words Listening on the Feeling Expressed through the Words Listening to the Heart
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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