Le Parole degli Angeli
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Virgin Mary Messages Christmas has passed

Virgin Mary Messages Christmas has passed words of Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary Messages Christmas has passed : with all my heart, my children, here I am with you once again, my son is next to me and is allowing me a long moment to talk to my children, a long moment to talk to you my loved children, now that the Christmas holiday has passed, inside your heart you have thought how nice the advent is, how nice it is to wait for the meeting, that feeling of waiting for Christmas has filled your hearts, many hopes, a lot of effort to make sure everything was perfect, a lot of effort from the heart to prepare, all of your hearts awaiting Christmas.
Then the day comes, happiness in your hearts, your previous meetings spent communicating your own feelings from your heart, so much effort, so much passion, and the day comes to an end and your effort is still going on, it’s dark, it’s time to go to bed, and it’s time for a brief revision of your heart before going to bed, here comes the sleep, Christmas is over.
Now, my dear ones, the memory and the sweet memories of these meetings.
You think of the next Christmas, “I could do this, then I could do that”, and now the minds are loaded with projects for the next Christmas.
But what you did not notice is that every Christmas is life, did you notice that among you the happiness, the expectations, the sweet thoughts were common?, the life experimented by you has meaning also for others and so much emotion sent to other from every heart, this is the Christmas for everyone.
This is passion, turning your thoughts to other people, the heart in the affection, the effort that comes from the heart to be happiness for others, and all the thinking for the welfare of everyone, your feelings have overcome so many trials to guarantee the welfare of everyone, good, Christmas can be constant for you, your thinking with the heart can be constant, and the effort for the welfare can be constant, and preparing opportunities for exchange can be constant, the celebration can be constant, giving every day the concept of life.
Now among you many of you are asking “can it be that I alone can bring Christmas into every day of my life?”.
Of course, because Being means passion every day, and you are the ones who create an opportunity to Be, you can position yourselves in every meeting as a sweet opportunity to Be with the others, a sweet occasion to listen and donate well-being, every instant can be transformed to Be yourselves with the others and life, my dear ones, will be inside you in every moment, life in you will be in the passion of your heart that expresses itself, life will be in the passion of your Being.
My children, now that you know the secret of life, Being passion, to those of you who seek a purpose where you can channel your effort, I will say one word only, others, others can be your effort, others in every opportunity that is placed before you.
Many of you think that the concept is right, but then often you choose your effort for “others”, however, as you choose an effort for “this” but not for “that”, you restrict the expression, the passion of your being and you restrict the experience of life, and passion does not differentiate, your Being can express itself at all times, your experience of being can speak to everyone, in order to be truly constant, passion needs to express itself to everyone; life is experimentation of your Being in every moment, and the other person, in every occasion that he brings, must be for you an occasion to Be.
My loved ones, this is today’s reflection, in order to be happiness and realization it’s necessary to transform every possible meeting with the other into an occasion to Be.
My son is next to me and is in agreement with me, take example from my child who has always met others with the emotion in the heart of meeting the preciousness of the other and in the meeting has always brought all of himself as an opportunity of life inside him.
May the passion that pushes me to speak to you, the passion I see in my child and in all the sweet Souls that constantly Love you and are all around me, be an example of our existence of life of Being, of Love for the other.
A kiss from your Mother my loved children, a kiss from the entire Sky
The Virgin Mary for each one of her children
Embraced to our Mother is my wish for life inside you
Your brother Jesus Christ
Message dictated 27th December 2007
Virgin Mary Messages Christmas has passed words of Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary Messages Christmas has passed
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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