Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact

The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact With The Heart Matures Experience


The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact : my loved sons and my loved daughters, these days Eluana Englaro has placed some light on a problem that belongs to all of your hearts, the medical procedure that the doctor performed, that ended the life of her body; all of you understood that his procedure caused an severance for that body from its cord, that thread that kept her hanging on to her existence in the experience on earth; many of you protested, many of you were in favor of the procedure, many of my children are now reflecting “the procedure was successful, but, in truth, was this right?” and this is why today I decided to speak with you, to explain.


To assume that a Soul needs a body to experiment is not correct. Yes, the body, the movement of the body means contact with emotions, with places and important experiences to grow; making contact through the bodies of other people allows to experiment in the heart and to evolve in the experience, but it’s always the heart in contact that matures this experience.


Being in contact with the heart matures experience.


Turn your thoughts to all of those brothers who have a problem with their body, problems of mobility, problems of sensory deficits, handicaps that involve certain functions of the mind, do you think that those brothers are not growing simply because their bodies do not allow for full movement or their full mental capacity?


Your hearts, every heart, is free from any handicap, it lives and establishes contact with those hearts that take care of him, of his body. Of course, there is a limit to the independent movement within space, but in the proximity his heart is building experience and it grows just like every other heart.


In the experience of illness all of you experiment the contact with your heart even more intensely. The heart, your condition of difficulty, what it finds is experience of the cure, of the Love donated to him in the weakness. This need to find contact with the Love is an experience shared by all, even in its intensity, when the problems make you more fragile, when you need others, when the care is donated to you by others, what you seek is care and Love.


And so for Eluana and for many other brothers in the same situation, but also for all brothers who have problems with their bodies, the hearts of all of these children are experimenting in the cure and in the Love.


This is the experience that each one of their hearts has come to accomplish on earth. Interrupting the experience is like interrupting their progress, their growth, the experience that they had decided for themselves, for their own evolution.


What I told you does not contain any judgment, I want to help you reflect, and help your effort to take care of your brothers in all of their conditions of fragility in which they may live; do go ahead and give Love and give care, and this experience will enrich your heart. As you donate Love and care, you will allow that heart to grow despite the difficulties with their body.


Here, my children, is my help to all of you


In the Love, I embrace you always


Your Father


The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact With The Heart Matures Experience was the Messages from God the Father 12th February 2009


The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact With The Heart Matures Experience


The Words Of God The Father Being In Contact


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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