Le Parole degli Angeli
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Saint Valentine message of the Sky

Saint Valentine message of the Sky for Saint Valentine


Saint Valentine message of the Sky : dear couples, happy Valentine to you, today is your day to celebrate the union, the day that you noticed in your heart a very unique emotion, special, the eyes, the way he or she is, what a joy as you feel the attraction for that person in front of you gradually sneaking its way inside you; the attraction brought you to establish a more intimate contact with that person and that’s how your story started; then, over time, as you got to know that person,  you answered the question “Is this the person I would like next to me for the rest of my life?” and, since I am talking to you, your answer was affirmative; a heart that feels in Love understands, helps, supports, is available to listen, welcome the thoughts of the other person and value them with respect, and shortens the distance between their bodies, turning their arms and mouth into sweet instruments to transmit closeness; and once again the joy accompanies the project of living near each other, and growing further through the children, through creatures to whom you will donate from your heart the many emotions of Love that the heart can feel inside.


And life goes on, life always gives opportunities not only to be a couple but also to be a nucleus of affection toward others, and now that you are a unity, you celebrate from the heart every moment that was generated from that meeting, and in front of your eyes are all the events you lived together, the two of you united, celebrating your Love brothers and sisters, what your Love achieved, your lives together bringing Love, surrendering to one another, aware that only Love builds harmony in the hearts.


This is your day, the day of a life together, there is still so much to celebrate, and in front of your eyes there are new couples that are forming, and they repeat the same steps that you have known, for you who feel Love you reveal your secret: when you love it’s no longer about us, but we want to make the other person happy, every support is sent to their heart, it’s treasuring every single moment, loving, because the joy shared in the heart gives emotions that are truly exceptional.


To this moment of joy you are living right now, I add my Love that has been rejoicing with you these years, for you my heart has been rejoicing these years, for your Love manifested over time.


All the best, with all of my heart


Your brother Jesus Christ


Saint Valentine message of the Sky for Saint Valentine was the Message dictated 14th February 2011




Saint Valentine message of the Sky for Saint Valentine


Saint Valentine message


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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