Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The gift of life is a great treasure

The gift of life is a great treasure life in the emotion life of the heart


The gift of life is a great treasure : here my voice comes toward you, my arms surround you, my hands caress your arms, we are brothers, what a joy to feel you in my arms brothers, I feel involved, my life is for you brothers, the great Love is for you, I feel this in the heart, my embrace is for you, everything I feel is for you, it’s for you.


I see a smile in the heart, come on, hurry up, I want to embrace you all, tight, very tight, keeping you like this until tomorrow.


This moment is infinite for me, I enjoy this embrace between us and then tomorrow, if you want it again, I will return to embrace you, every day with you, this is my great desire.




As with every day, I would like to remind you what a treasure is the gift of life, every moment is life in you, occasions to meet, to be able to live emotions with every encounter, life flows through emotions, with these brothers, every one of them, having contacts and gaining experience, sweet experience of being a heart in contact with another, also a heart in turn.


A heart is therefore busy recognizing itself and getting to know itself while life flows.


You see, in this journey, what you would like to possess, or what you would like to achieve, is not of importance over time if the heart does not feel life, neither friendship, nor Love, or any other bond other than interest or power, and perhaps love to buy, but the heart knows deceit and will not reveal itself, it will not reveal life.


You reason, you add up, you evaluate the options, you evaluate the offers, but if the heart does not beat together with you it will all be deprived of meaning, emptiness that produces emptiness; it’s the life that awaits you now, it’s the life that places the heart at its center, and the center is in the emotion, just like life is in the emotion, emotion, life is in the emotion, when I open a door and I see a loved one it’s life, it’s emotion; when I meet hearts this is life, it’s emotion; when a minute has ended it’s a life, it’s emotion, when I feel myself in what I feel in the heart it’s life, it’s emotion.


Life is a great treasure, the gift of life is a great treasure, the life speaking to me is inside me, and in what I feel, the life of my heart, a heart that feels life in the Love.


With all my heart


Your brother Jesus Christ


The gift of life is a great treasure life in the emotion life of the heart was the Message dictated 25th February 2013




The gift of life is a great treasure life in the emotion life of the heart


The gift of life is a great treasure life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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