Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Angel Of Father Pio photographs an Angel

The Angel Of Father Pio photographs an Angel near the statue of Saint Pio


The Angel Of Father Pio photographs an Angel : hello dear Sara, I am sending you two pictures that my dad took, in sequence, at the end of last summer, they are pictures of the statue of Saint Pio; this statue is out in the open, in a little square in the town of Valverde, my parents go there any time they can, almost every day, in this period my mother prays and gives thanks for my good health.


In the first picture, the central one, you can see that behind the divider, on the top left, in front of the pole, there is a little head of a little Angel, almost transparent, peeking out.


image of the head of a little Angel


… and here we highlighted the detail of the face of the Angel to observe


detail of the head of the little Angel image


In this picture, on the other hand, my mother, oblivious to everything, just like my father, sat down in the car because it was very cold, and there, on the lower right, at the feet of the statue of Father Pio, you can see it, like a little blossom among flowers, like a little statue, there is a little Angel, I believe it was the same that was peeking out, and subsequently climbed down!


My mother gets beside herself with tenderness when she sees it, because he put a little scarf on the head and around his neck, just like as if he too was cold! Look at it, I hope you can see it, I can make it out even to the naked eye, it’s attached to the crucifix of Father Pio’s rope; he has the little tunic, the hair that sticks out of the multicolor scarf, the hair is all rumpled up and in little locks, it’s all illuminated by the spotlight that is on the roof above the statue of Father Pio.


The silhouette of the face of the Angel is not well defined, but you can see the puffy cheeks and you can even see a little hand!


It’s simply delightful, I hope you can see it!



image of an Angel near the statue of Saint Pio


And here we highlighted the detail of the Angel to notice


detai of an Angel near the statue of Saint Pio image



To us this is such a great privilege, and we understand that these celestial experiences appear whenever there is a great pain. Even though I do not talk about it, I always follow your website and I even put myself in the shoes of so many people who suffer and who need help, in every sense.


Many kisses and hugs from my family and I!


The Angel Of Father Pio photographs an Angel near the statue of Saint Pio was the testimonial of Sabrina




The Angel Of Father Pio photographs an Angel near the statue of Saint Pio


The Angel Of Father Pio


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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