Le Parole degli Angeli
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Joy in the Heart I'm shining like a comet

Joy in the Heart I’m shining like a comet My Angel Ariel testimony

Joy in the Heart I’m shining like a comet : dear Sara Luce, today I tell you about joy in the hearth, yes, I’m shining like a comet, I’m Manuela, do you remember me, I wanted to thank you again, because I wouldn’t have reached this euphoric state of grace and awareness without you; my good Angel Ariel, so sweet and wonderful always answers me, and it’s hard to love some like me, I assure you, owing to my moods, my anxieties, but sometimes I feel His advice right in my head, my ear, in my heart.

I have got a device for a long time, I hope to have a clothes shop for children of my own, I’ve got two, do you remember?, and now with Ariel’s precious help I have it almost done, I’m going to star in February.

I had to do some things like going to the Town Hall, etc, well He has been next to me lovingly, with sweetness and great humour, first of all showing me strings of number 4 everywhere that is His way to tell me “go on, don’t be afraid, go on I’m next to you”, even now while I’m writing, He’s here next to me looking after my baby, as so I can write to you, and I’m full of great feelings, like when you fall in love.

You mist know that He showed me where the Town Hall was, I got there without fail, only 50 meters away!!!, and then he suggested me to turn right, there was a restaurant, guess what it was called, the Angel’s Restaurant, I burst out laughing, but i was moved too, monly that when I say these things, I always fear that people will think I’m mad, I don’t know what else I can do to thank Him; every night when I say my prayers I thank Our Lord to have put such a special, very special friend next to me, and Who loves, despite my terrible personality.

He encourages me with coincidences, and He makes me feel sure of myself, even at the gynaecologist, I’m a wimp, he had his number 4 series.

I wanted to tell you only these things, because If I don’t I’m afraid that the wonderful emotions that I feel, could make me explode with joy.

Thank you for having made me notice many things, I could tell you many more things, but I don’t even know what I could start with, there are a lot of things to tell.

Thanks to you, to Ariel, to Our Lord to the entire Universe, “I’m shining like a comet”, and my very sweet Friend told me so.

Joy in the Heart I’m shining like a comet My Angel Ariel testimony are pharases from Manu

Joy in the Heart I’m shining like a comet My Angel Ariel testimony

Joy in the Heart I’m shining like a comet

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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