Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angel witness my personal experiences

Angel witness my personal experiences with Angels a suggest stories of Angels

Angel witness my personal experiences : my dear Sara Luce, I have noticed with pleasure that you try to have more contacts than what I thought; at this point I feel obliged to tell you about my “inner” and personal experience with Angels.

I must say that I’m one of those who doesn’t believe in Santa Clause, and my family is practically atheist; as a child I wasn’t very good at studying. Owing to my carelessness and to my little will to study I nearly ended up not finishing my scientific studies, when I finished studying, I did many odd jobs.

I must say that since I was little I have always had a feeling of a presence I considered being of my imagination, but as years went by, it went on looking like someone acting as my “Guardian Angel”, when he feels like it.

Thirteen years ago I ended up in a deep depression for which my wife feared she would have lost some day or other, that was when I felt for an instant as if I were already dead and that I hadn’t solved anything; I had to believe more in the feelings and extreme situations such as “make or-break”.

My experiences have made me become “tough”, the vague depressions I have had up to these days have made me feel “my fiends’ world” nearer to me.

So now, I’m forty-two I have started studying again because they suggested me to. I’m a successful freelancer since some years ago with recognition from colleagues, I’ve got a wonderful family, a twelve year old son and a nine year old daughter, and a wonderful wife.

I admit the Devine Grace that characterizes my choices, and I’m sure about that, I do confess that my only fear is that of having dreamt, and not having contacts anymore with my Angel from now on and I’d die being happy to reach many “REAL FRIENDS”.

I’m a former unbeliever and so I know how it’s easier to not believe rather than to believe, but too often I notice that I don’t believe people who say they believe and probably you put on the “mask” of a believer to please the Religion of State.

Angel witness my personal experiences with Angels a suggest stories of Angels are phrases from Roberto

Angel witness my personal experiences with Angels a suggest stories of Angels

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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