Le Parole degli Angeli
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Unexplainable Recovery Faith and Prayers

Unexplainable Recovery An unexplainable Recovery Faith and Prayers in a Seven y/rs old Child Witness
Unexplainable Recovery Faith and Prayers : I was very little I was about seven y/rs old and like all children I was very lively; at school during the break I had fallen and my knee had swollen so much that I couldn’t walk, at that time I didn’t have a close relationship with Angels, but I always spoke to God regarding everything, even if I had quarrelled with a friend or I simply spoke to Him about my things; anyway I was took home and as usual I said a prayer; my mum took me to bed, I couldn’t move because of my pain, I fell asleep, it was tea time that then was at 5 p.m, I woke up and got up as usual, forgetting about my knee, I got up from my bed and I didn’t feel any pain anymore; I could walk, although my knee was battered, I was walking perfectly; that was my first “Angel” experience I think, then I had others which were stronger, and at hard times; so as I usually do, when I read these wonderful witnesses, I thank God our Father for my Guardian Angel, my only real friend, together forever
Carla Sarah
Unexplainable Recovery An unexplainable Recovery Faith and Prayers in a Seven y/rs old Child Witness
Unexplainable Recovery An unexplainable Recovery Faith and Prayers
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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