Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Last Minutes Of Life Heaven Comes

The Last Minutes Of Life On Earth Heaven Comes Experiences
The Last Minutes Of Life Heaven Comes : my father was suffering from cancer in his liver and during his last months he had to stay in bed completely still with some tranquillizer that reduced his pain; my mother and us, their three children have tried to make his stay in bed more peaceful a possible.
One evening we were sitting around his bed, where my father was lying, including my uncle and we were whispering as not to disturb him, knowing that those were his last minutes on Earth. Suddenly the door bell rang, I dashed to open the door. Strangely I noticed that the light in the hall was on but I couldn’t see anyone, I looked everywhere, but there wasn’t anyone in the hall, it was empty.
Going back in I asked everyone if they had heard the doorbell or if I had been the only one. Everyone said they did. So I said they that the light on in the hall and that there wasn’t anyone there. We all look at one another being surprised and a bit frightened.
My uncle said: “There have been cases in which dead Souls appeared like that to warn their beloved of a forthcoming death. Everyone of us thought of my grandmother who had died a few months before and who was always very near to my father.
The Last Minutes Of Life On Earth Heaven Comes Experiences are words from Antonietta
The Last Minutes Of Life On Earth Heaven Comes
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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