Le Parole degli Angeli
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Life After Death The Soul Evolves

Life After Death The Soul Evolves And Loves


Life After Death The Soul Evolves : in 1994 my colleague at work and great friend passed away, his name was Giancarlo, we had lost touch, then I came to find out that he was ill, I contacted him again, we lived far away and so when he needed help administering certain medicines I would drive there to visit him, other time we would speak on the phone; to remind me of these little encounters that made him so happy, despite his pain, he gave me a little gift, a little silver pendant in the shape of a public phone token, back then cellular phones did not exist; he called me his little sister, since he had no siblings of his own, and during his long illness only his mother visited him, all his friends abandoned him.


We fought together against his illness, sadly the latter won, and he left us while in a hospital in Rome … I saw him for the last time on a Sunday, on a Tuesday he died …. It was a deep pain for me …. After about a month after his death, I was with my husband at the local tax office to drop off my income tax documents, and to sign some papers, I put my key ring that had the little phone token pendant on the table, and mysteriously in front of our own eyes the coin very slowly moved, it freed itself from the ring that locked it in, all the people present saw this unusual movement, and wondered in silence, because nobody was able to explain it …. I picked up the token, because it had since fallen from the table on to the floor, and I put it back in its place in the key ring.


The following day I went to visit my friend’s mother, who was desperate, to bring her this testimonial; while I was explaining to her what had happened, I took out the key ring and with my enormous surprise the token was not there anymore …. It’s been many years, but the affection and the friendship that united my unlucky friend and I is intact, and I feel his love still alive, albeit a little further away, because one night he asked me not to suffer too much on his account, to think of him as going through a transformation; my pain and that of his mother kept him tied to this earth, while his Soul was longing to evolve …. God had forgiven him for his mistakes and he needed to work by taking care of Souls in need to purify himself even more, he had enjoyed his job as a nurse very much, and God, he explained to me, uses what we did with Love to make us even better and melt away the bad that we were not able to avoid …. Faith and Love save us from Hell anyway …. Despite our earthly mistakes …


After this dream I did not see him anymore … and the pain has subsided because I am certain that we will meet again, we just have to wait ….. Bye dear Sara …. A hug


Life After Death The Soul Evolves And Loves was the testimonial of Gabriella


Life After Death The Soul Evolves And Loves


Life After Death The Soul Evolves


The Words of the Angels www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en


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