Le Parole degli Angeli
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Paranormal Experiences in Life

Paranormal Experiences in Life in the Sky on Earth story


Paranormal Experiences in Life : dear Sara, I would like to tell you about a fact that we can describe as extraordinary for us who are still pilgrims on this earth, but certainly not for those who live in the other Dimension; on this subject, once, in front of my awe for one of the numerous signs that my son Manuele sent me from the Sky, he told me these words “you can not imagine how normal it is for us everything you consider to be paranormal”


So, I will tell you what happened.


I will clarify that I have always saved in the journal of my cell phone the phone number of my son, but by now I certainly did not remember it by heart anymore.


A few days before Christmas, after my usual afternoon nap, among the missed calls I found one that came at 14:30 with the phone number of unknown origin.


I did not think about this too much, deciding that whoever was looking for me would have done so again.


Two days later the same thing again: same number, same time.


Once again I did not worry too much about it, thinking that they would call me back.


The 24th of December I went to check the missed calls, a little curious about this mysterious unknown number that kept calling me at the same time, and sure enough, the call was there, at the same time.


Only in that moment, because the event was too strange, or maybe because the idea finally entered my mind, I decided to check the old cell phone number of my son and …. You guessed it … it was that number! You can not imagine the emotion that I felt!


The path of Love does not know limits, or borders, and my son, thanks to the grace of God, and this letter from me wants to represent an additional testimonial of the infinite goodness of our God.


A hug


Paranormal Experiences in Life in the Sky on Earth story was the testimonial of Gigliola


Paranormal Experiences in Life in the Sky on Earth story


Paranormal Experiences in Life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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