Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance

Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance and Closeness


Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance : dear Sara, I always follow you religiously, your testimonials always fill me with joy, I would like to tell you my testimonial, which happened a few nights ago, let me add that I often receive signs from the Angels, any time I am desperate or worried about some problems I turn to my Angel and like clockwork I find some white feathers; I have two small dogs, I have had them many years, they are my joy and my companions, a few weeks ago, the older dog started to feel unwell due to kidney problems, I took him to the vet and I was told it was serious, his blood levels were all off and she was not sure he was going to pull through this, we tried some target therapy, I.V.’s, antibiotics and many other remedies, after a few days of agony both from the dog and me, one night, the dog took a turn for the worse; shakes, breathlessness, a horrible night. I was crying as I took the decision to go to the vet the following morning to interrupt the treatments and help him fall asleep so that he would stop suffering.


In tears I was praying to my Angel to let my dog fall asleep by himself, to not place this burden upon me to make me the one who has to decide to end his life, to help him leave naturally.


My cell phone’s volume is always set on high, but while I was close to my little friend, I looked at my cell phone and I noticed the backlight that warns me that there is an incoming message or call. The phone never did ring, of that I am sure. I looked, and I saw that there was a missed call. The caller was unknown, a private number. The call arrived at 3:33. My heart jumped to my throat, I remembered the meaning of the number 333, it’s a ‘master’ number and I knew then that I could rest assured that things were going to be all right, that the Masters were watching upon me, that they were close to me.


The following morning I went to the vet, we redid the analysis and the levels were noticeably improved, the treatment was working, he only had a high fever due to an infection. Now he is feeling better, his life is back to normal, he is not quite back to what he used to be, but he is much better. And I have had the fortune to not have had to decide for him.


You may publish this story if you like, especially because the Angels support not only us human beings, but also every other form of life that exists on Earth.


A hug of light,


Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance and Closeness was the testimonial of Rosanna


Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance and Closeness


Guardian Angel Signs of Reassurance


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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